The Way, My Way by Bill Bennett

A movie about the Camino

Based on the best selling Camino memoir of the same title, The Way, My Way by Bill Bennett is a movie about a man walking the 800km Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in Spain, searching for meaning – not realizing it was right in front of him, one step at a time.


Visit the The Way, My Way website for current screenings and tickets:


The Way, My Way tells a funny and heartfelt true story about a stubborn, self-absorbed Aussie who tackles the 800-kilometer Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain—without really knowing why. Step by step, the journey changes him and shifts his perspective on life. Bill Bennett’s bestselling memoir inspired the film, and Camino experts and enthusiasts call it the most authentic portrayal of the pilgrimage.

The Filmmakers

Filmmakers Bill Bennett and Jennifer Cluff are a top Australian producing team. They have made 17 feature films and many documentaries over 40 years. Bill has won Australian Film Institute Awards for Best Film and Best Director. He has had two films in Official Selection at Cannes and four at Toronto.

He first walked the Camino de Santiago in 2013 and his journey became the bestselling book The Way, My Way. Since then, he has walked the Camino four more times. Jennifer is a producer and actress. Like Bill, she has walked the Camino four times.

The Cast

Out of 22 speaking roles in the film, only four are played by professional actors. The rest are real pilgrims.

The lead role, that of Bill himself, is played by Chris Hayword. Bill knew he wanted Chris Haywood to play him in the movie as they had worked together on several films before, including A Street to Die in 1985. Chris even won an AFI award for his performance in this film.


Picture of Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery is a seasoned Camino tour leader who also works part-time in the Marketing and Media Content Department at Fresco Tours. Originally from the United States, Jeffery now lives in Madrid, Spain, where he earned a BA in Fine Arts. Though he considers himself a Spaniard at heart, he remains deeply proud of his American heritage. Over his 13-year tenure with Fresco Tours, he has led more than 80 tours to Santiago de Compostela. A passionate Camino enthusiast, Jeffery has walked the French, Portuguese, Primitive, English, Gran Canaria, Madrid, Salvador, and Uclés routes. He is also the author of three Camino de Santiago guidebooks, available at