Based in Spain since 2006

Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond

Our epic journey began with a Pilgrims’ blessing in the foothills of the Pyrenees at Roncesvalles. After working our way through Pamplona, the capital of Navarra, we crossed over Roman bridges and acres of vineyards to arrive in Logroño. Our journey following the Milky Way continues as we start Chapter 2 and enter into Castilla y León!

Experience and Expertise

Your two bilingual guides that accompany the tour are either Spanish or live in Spain year round. This is our home and we love to share it with you!

Fabulous Food

All your meals (B,L,D) except for one dinner are included, so you only need to worry about enjoying the trail! Weather permitting; our gourmet picnics showcase the freshest of local flavors.

Unique Accommodations

Charming restored B&B’s and 3-4 star hotels that offer the best in hospitality, comfort, and location.

Semi-Independent Tour

You choose! Walk alone with the assurance that we’ll take care of you or enjoy the company of others and your knowledgeable guides.

Van supported

No need to carry a heavy pack – let us do the lifting while you do the walking.

Expect to have a wonderful time!

We’ve designed each trip to enjoy the stunning beauty of the Spanish landscape, while giving you a true sense of the soul and magic of these exciting people and their culture. We love to share this magnificent country and want you to feel a part of it – for us it is more than just a trip, it is our home.


Day 1

Logroño, Chapter 2

Accommodations: Navarrete (L, D)

Meeting time: 11am

Walking: 13 km / 8 mi

Mid-morning, we meet the group in Logroño for a short Orientation Meeting followed up by a short walk to the historic town of Navarrete, with its 16th century Church of the Assumption. Keep an eye out for the family crests and shields on the houses and buildings that display the wealth of this town. Once there, sit back and have a glass of Rioja wine - Chapter 2 has begun!

Day 2

Navarrete to Nájera

Accommodations: Santo Domingo (B, L, D)

Walking: 17 km / 11 mi

With boots on, we head out the front door and begin our day with a steady up hill to get the blood going! As we pass through vineyards we work our way downhill into Nájera, which was the Navarre capital in the 11th and 12th centuries. It houses the Monasterio Santa María de la Real, where many kings, queens and knights of Navarra are buried.

Day 3

Nájera to Santo Domingo

Accommodations: Santo Domingo (B, L, D)

Walking: 22 km / 14 mi

Shortly after leaving Nájera, we have our first opportunity for a coffee break in Azofra. Afterwards, we work our way uphill to Santo Domingo de la Calzada, with its winding streets and many historic buildings. Here, we learn of the mystery of Santo Domingo, who is said to have saved a young man from hanging after he was falsely accused of stealing a silver goblet.

Day 4

Santo Domingo to Villamayor

Accommodations: Santo Domingo (B, L, D)

Walking: 18 km / 11 mi

Entering into the breadbasket of Spain, Castilla y León, we notice the change in terrain with its flat plateaus or mesetas and many wheat fields. We come to Castildelgado, home of the 12th century Church of San Pedro, and continue on to Viloria de la Rioja, the birthplace of Santo Domingo (Saint Dominic). We end the day in Villamayor del Rio and head to our hotel for some rest.
Fresco Tours Picnic Salad

Day 5

Villamayor to Montes de Oca

Accommodations: Montes de Oca (B, L, D)

Walking: 17 km / 11 mi

This morning we continue to Belorado, where we see the 15th century Church of Santa María, built against limestone cliffs. Behind the church, you can still see some of the ancient cave dwellings where hermits once lived! Today we end the walk in Villafranca Montes de Oca, which makes reference to one of the many towns where French pilgrims settled. Its location at the foot of Montes de Oca is infamous for the bandits that roamed the area taking advantage of the pilgrims. These bandits would then pray at the Church of Santiago for protection from the Saint! Ah, the ironies...
Pilgrims walking on the Camino de Santiago.

Day 6

Montes de Oca to Atapuerca

Accommodations: Burgos (B, L, D)

Walking: 19 km / 12 mi

After a good climb through the woods, we reach San Juan de Ortega. San Juan was a disciple of Santo Domingo and also dedicated his life to helping pilgrims. The Augustinian monastery, founded in 1150, houses a chapel dedicated to San Nicolás, who apparently saved San Juan from drowning during one of his pilgrimages. We finish the day in Atapuerca, a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its source of the earliest human remains discovered in Europe.

Day 7

Atapuerca to Burgos

Accommodations: Burgos (B, L)

Walking: 19 km / 12 mi

The arrows today bring us to Burgos, walking along a nice river pathway that keeps us off the main road that leads into the city. Here we visit the 13th century Cathedral of Santa María, considered one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Spain, as well as one of the largest, and designated a World Heritage Site. Enjoy the medieval streets of this city, along with its rich architecture and history.

Day 8

Burgos to Hornillos

Accommodations: Castrojeriz (B, L, D)

Walking: 21 km / 13 mi

Leaving the University area of Burgos, we work our way to Hornillos del Camino. Enjoy the beauty of this medieval village with its Gothic San Román Church and the Fuente del Gallo (Rooster Fountain) on the square. The name Hornillos possibly originates from small oven or kiln.

Day 9

Hornillos to Castrojeriz

Accommodations: Castrojeriz (B, D)

Walking: 20 km / 12 mi

On the way to Castrojeriz, we will pass the remains of the 14th century Convent of San Antón Abad, the patron saint of animals. Once in Castrojeriz, we can see the rose window in the 14th century Church of Nuestra Señora del Manzano, which contains an interesting image of Santiago. Moreover, you can see Roman and Visigothic remains in this historic fortified town. Those feeling energetic can make their way up to the ruins of the castle and take in the spectacular views.
Fresco Tours picnic A Kinder (Gentler) Camino Portugués Tour

Day 10

Castrojeriz - Frómista

Accommodations: Frómista (B, L, D)

Walking: 25 km / 16 mi

After a hefty climb out of town, we come to Itero de Castillo, where the Knights of Saint John took care of the pilgrims in the Middle Ages at their hospital. The walk flattens out into Frómista as we walk along the Canals of Castilla, a complex series of canals used to irrigate the dry fields of Castilla y León. In Frómista, make sure to admire the Church of San Martín, a gem of Spanish Romanesque architecture.

Day 11

Frómista –to Carrión de los Condes

Accommodations: Burgos (B, L, D)

Walking: 20 km / 12 mi

Our last page of Chapter 2! We continue along the flat meseta to the village of Villalcázar de Sirga, where the magnificent Santa María Church stands out like a ship at sea. We continue following the yellow arrow to the venerable town of Carrión de los Condes, which for centuries belonged to the Kingdom of León. After our walk, we return to Burgos, where transportation to your next destination is readily available, and prepare for our Farewell Dinner.
A gourmet Fresco Tours picnic en route to Sarria.

Day 12


Accommodations: Tour ends (B)

After breakfast, we bid you a buen camino as Chapter 2 has come to an end, but put your book marker in place as the action of this saga continues with Chapter 3 and the Roman Legion and arrival of the Knights Templars Castle! To be continued...


*Please note: This itinerary is subject to slight modifications due to hotel availability, weather, festivals, and other occurences.

2 Guides

Our greatest resource! We know Spain, because it is our home. Both of your guides are experienced professionals that are either Spanish or live in Spain year round – no hired out summer help! When specified, local art historians will join us to provide further insights of the specific monument / museum that we visit.

* Groups of 3 – 6 pax are accompanied by only 1 guide.

Limited Group Sizes

Fresco Tours are in small groups to ensure that you receive the individual attention that you deserve. We want to be able to treat each of our clients with a personal touch and we limit the groups to a maximum of 16 participants. We also recognize that each person’s Camino is their own personal experience and if you wish, we encourage you to walk on your own – with the assurance that we will be there for you!


Fresco Tours selects a combination of 3-4 star hotels and B&B’s that offer the best in hospitality, comfort and location. All rooms have in-suite bathrooms. Tour prices are based on double occupancy.

All Meals

Food speaks volumes about a culture and we love to eat! During our walk days, when possible, we prepare gourmet picnics, using the freshest of local ingredients and selecting the tastiest recipes of the region. Dinners are celebrated in restaurants chosen not only for their menu, but also their atmosphere and service. Except for one dinner and one lunch, all your breakfast, lunches and dinners are included. We are proud to cater to vegetarians and those with food allergies as well.

Support Vehicle

Your walks will be accompanied by 2 support vehicles (minimum 6 pax) that are there to provide assistance when needed and look out for your safety. You will have access to the bus every couple of hours, so you won’t need to carry a heavy backpack. In addition, the possibility of shorter routes and pick-up options will be offered and explained on a daily basis.

Luggage Transfer

Your luggage will be transported between hotels. You do the walking, we’ll do the lifting!

Special Event Tickets

Wine tastings, garden tours, concerts, etc. as outlined in the itinerary.

Additional Services

We are here to help! Need assistance with hotels prior to or after your trip? Questions about what to wear? Need a taxi while on the trail?

Based in Spain, we are here to make sure that your trip runs smooth as can be – we are available!

* Please note that any additional services purchased will have the following conditions:
Hotel reservations – can be cancelled up to 1 week before arrival without penalty
Extra luggage/Private transfers – can be cancelled up to 72 hours before without penalty

Ground Transportation

All ground transportation between the designated starting and finishing point of your Fresco Tour is provided. We will help facilitate information for your travel arrangements prior to and after the tour start and finish.

Not Included

Airfare to and from Spain, airport taxes / departure fees, visas, gratuities or tips, items of personal nature – laundry, phone, luggage surplus charges, medical expenses, bar, etc.

Prior to / After your Fresco Tour: Should your vacation to Spain be for more than a few days prior to or after your Fresco Tour, perhaps you would be interested in a Spain-taineous Custom Tour and personalized private itinerary. Let us know and we’ll create an itinerary especially in tune with your needs and desires.

Table of Contents

Getting There & Back 

How do I get to the Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour starting point? 

Logroño, Spain is the official starting point of the Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour and can be reached via train, or bus. Traveling from either Madrid or Barcelona, one can choose between the train (RENFE) or the bus (Jiménez & ALSA). For a sample of prices and timetables, please see: 

RENFE Train – Madrid to Logroño & Barcelona to Logroño 

Jiménez & ALSA Bus – Madrid to Logroño & Barcelona to Logroño 

How can I purchase my bus or train tickets beforehand?

Train tickets can be purchased online on Spain’s leading rail provider, RENFE. Keep in mind that the sale of train tickets depends on RENFE’s scheduling and some routes cannot be purchased until approximately 30 to 60 days prior to departure – please be patient. Schedules and availability are also subject to change based on train maintenance needs.

For bus tickets, these can be purchased on ALSA .

Both of these websites have an English language option that accept most major credit cards. Tickets are issued as PDFs and are sent to the email address used to purchase the tickets.

How do I get from Logroño to Madrid and other cities? 

There are now RENFE trains that will get you from Logroño to Madrid in less than 4 hours. While routes and availability may vary upon time of booking, there are several daily trains from Burgos to Madrid. 

How do I get from Madrid Airport to the city center? 

If your flight flies into Madrid’s T-4 (Aeropuerto T-4) terminal, you have a local Cercanias train that will get you from the airport to the Atocha and Chamartín train station in 25-30 minutes. These trains leave the T-4 station more or less every half an hour. For more information, please visit RENFE Train. 

In addition, there is an express bus that services all terminals at the airport with the Atocha Train Station.

On the Road 

What is the weather like on Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

Fresco Tours Chapter 2 Tour covers the 212 km of the Camino Frances. Here we enjoy a more temperate climate, and it is generally cooler than other parts of the Camino de Santiago and Spain in the summer. 

Visit these links for current and average monthly temperatures of Burgos and Logroño. 

What is a typical day like on Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

After breakfast, we lace up and get the blood going with a walk for a couple hours, where we will do a check point to make sure that everything is OK. You then continue along the Camino for another 1-2 hours where you will come across a complete gourmet picnic prepared with the freshest local ingredients. On some days, we continue for 1-2 hours more after lunch to burn off dessert. 

In the afternoon, we go to our hotels, where we take a shower, siesta and just relax! We finish our day with a glass of tinto and a feast of the local gastronomy. We then retire for the night and get ready to do it again! On some afternoons, we have planned excursions, such as a visit to an ancient monastery or perhaps a massage! 

Does the group stop for breaks on Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

The great thing about the Camino is that it is very well-marked and we encourage people to walk at a pace that is comfortable for them – this is not a race! We want you to enjoy the route and we also like to stop with our clients for a coffee or cerveza along the way and take everything in! 

What is the terrain like on Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

On this part of the Camino, the terrain will have some short descents and climbs, combined with stretches of flat ground. The trail is a combination of compact dirt and stone footpaths and small country roads. 

What is the change in elevation on Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

We will be walking from Logroño to Carrión de los Condes, 212 km of the Camino de Santiago. For a detailed map of the distances between towns along the Camino and their respective altitudes, please click here. 

How many kilometers are walked each day on Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

The number of kilometers scheduled for each day ranges from 14 km to 22 km. We have designed this tour to allow you to comfortably walk 212 km. However, the walks are accompanied by a support vehicle and options for less (or more!) km’s are possible on a daily basis. We can tailor the Camino to suit your needs! 

Will I be able to do laundry on Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

Some hotels will have the capability to do laundry on the premises or you can use local laundromats whenever you’d like. We also recommend that you bring quick-drying clothes that you can handwash and dry overnight at the hotel if all else fails! 

Before You Go / Preparing 

What type of shoes do I need to walk Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

Footwear is a very personal question – depending on how active you are and how much support you will need. Since we will be walking on a daily basis on the Camino de Santiago, I believe that comfort is key – you do not want to get blisters. You probably won’t need a full high boot that covers your ankle (unless you need this support), but rather light trail walkers or even running shoes if you are used to walking. In the spring, there may be mud and water along the trail, so keep that in mind. Most important: Make sure that they are well broken in! 

What sort of conditioning do I need to undertake before Chapter 2 – Burgos and Beyond Tour? 

We encourage you to walk before and be prepared for your own enjoyment. However, this is your vacation and not boot camp! During your walk, one of the two guides will be on the trail with the group to ensure that all is well. Additionally, we have planned check points along the way with our support van to make sure you have plenty of water, offer you need a change of shoes, or if you just feel like taking a break. In most cases, you will see the van at a minimum every couple of hours. 

Booking a Tour

Thank you for choosing to travel with Fresco Tours! We are very excited for you to join the ranks of our Happy Customers. If at any moment you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you again and we look forward to sharing memories of a lifetime with you.

Reservations and Payments

To join us on a Fresco Tour, please visit our Secure Online Reservation Form or download and print a PDF version of the Reservation Form, one for each participant. To reserve your space on a tour, a 15% deposit per person is required and payment should be made via credit card (Visa or MasterCard only), bank transfer or via Wise transferThe balance of your tour payment is due 60 days prior to the departure date. If the tour that you selected begins within 60 days of booking, final payment is due at that time. Failure to receive the remainder of your trip balance by the due date will be considered a cancellation.


Once Fresco Tours has received your registration form and tour deposit, we will send you an email with an invoice of payments received and your remaining balance, a copy of our Assumption of Risk / Liability Waiver Form and a link to your Guest Questionnaire. These last 2 items must be returned 60 days prior to the start of tour. In addition, we will send you a Confirmation Packet with information regarding suggestions on preparation, a packing and reading list and other tips to get you excited and prepared for your Fresco Tour.

Final Registration

Once we have received final payment, the signed Assumption of Risk / Liability Waiver Form and Guest Questionnaire, you will be sent a receipt and final details regarding your tour, including a detailed itinerary and the hotel contact list.

Single Supplement Fee

Due to the nature of the accommodations we use, there are a limited number of single rooms available. Requests for these rooms are based on availability. Please see the tour itinerary for the cost of this fee. In some cases, it may imply a room smaller in size than a standard double room. If you are traveling alone, and would like to share a room, we will do our best to match you with a same-gender roommate.

Cancellation / Refund Policies

All cancellations must be made in writing. No refunds will be issued due to late arrival, early departure, or any unused portion of a tour. The Assumption of Risk / Liability Waiver form must be signed and received 60 days prior to tour departure or the reservation will also be treated as a cancellation. Cancellation fees are outlined below:

Time Price
Cancellations received 121 or more days prior to trip start
10% of trip price
Cancellations received 120 - 61 days prior to trip start
15% of trip price
Cancellations received 60 - 31 days prior to trip start
50% of trip price
Cancellations received 30 days or less prior to trip start
100% of trip price

Fresco Tours reserves the right to change, modify, or cancel a tour prior to departure for any reason, including lack of participants (tour minimum: 3-6 passengers with 1 guide, 7 passengers or more with 2 guides) or acts of nature and/or circumstances beyond our control. In this case, any payments received will be refunded in full, and this will constitute full settlement. Fresco Tours is not responsible for any additional expenses due to a canceled tour, such as the purchase of non-refundable airline tickets.

Fresco Tours reserves the right to accept, refuse, or decline any tour member’s participation at any time for any reason. In such a case, Fresco Tour’s liability is limited to the actual cost of the unused services.

Changing Tour Dates

If we are notified of a change to your scheduled tour date 6 months prior, you can apply your tour deposit to another departure date without penalty. This change can be up to 1 calendar year in advance and is subject to availability. Otherwise, the above Cancellation Fees will be applied.

As Spain-taneous Private Tours are custom built and created with specific dates in mind, any modifications will incur a 15% surcharge.


In accordance with Spanish law and for the duration of your tour with Fresco Tours, you are covered by a basic insurance provided by Intermundial.  We  strongly advise the purchase of a more comprehensive travel insurance that includes trip cancellation / interruption. We suggest using, which allows you to compare and assess top insurance provider policies and their different coverage plans.

Traveling Safely and Responsibly

Traveling during these complex times requires a bit more planning and a lot more reassurance. We believe that the Fresco Tours style of travel is particularly well-suited to safe activities: walking in the outdoors, small group sizes, strong reliable relationships with our local partners and, most importantly, we have the local knowledge of our home – the Camino de Santiago and the Spanish culture.


12 days / 11 nights

212 km / 132 mi

Camino Frances

Apr 30 - May 11, 2025

Price per person

4195 €

4,609.89 $

* USD$ price based on current exchange rate

Single Supplement

595 €

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