Based in Spain since 2006

Fresco Tours Help Me Make It “My Way” Thank You Frank Sinatra

Before there was The Way, I had heard about the Camino from a friend of mine who did it the one bar of soap way (means one bar of soap to clean everything in your 29 lb pack) this was not for me… so to Trip Advisor I go! Being a previous Backroads gal myself, I was looking for a similar experience but realizing there are just no 4/5 star accommodations along the Way, I had to look elsewhere and found Fresco and knew that this was IT! I had to juggle dates so I could get that one single but it was worth the wait (I like to travel solo). Alex, the owner and our Guide helped me from the day I first sent an email inquiring and never stopped being there for me and the 12 other people in our group… where does he get that energy? His favourite quote for me was that he managed expectations, I loved it and it was true, he did. 13 people, 13 personalities, 13 different approaches to The Way and he made it happen. I could tell you about the walk, the accommodations, the food, the friendships but go to his website Fresco Tours or phone, if Alex doesn’t answer one of his peeps will. As the immortal Frank Sinatra once sang “I Did It My Way” thanks to Fresco Tours.

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