Based in Spain since 2006

What a Classy Operation

My love affair with Spain which started with Cervantes in College and probably also because of my heritage was really enhanced by the Fresco Tours. The fact that there are a handful of people running this operation is amazing. All the accommodations were very well thought of and very unique to the area. The food that they served at the homes was superb.. sorry can’t think of a better word. Ria and Jason were very attentive to our needs. Taking us to Sunday mass at Melide was one example of thoughtfulness. I am sure you had a hand in getting our little packets, labels and scallops shells etc. together. What a classy operation. It couldn’t be that easy with 2 kids underfoot. The train ride from Madrid that you recommended was awesome. We booked online and got “preferente” seats at a discounted rate. FYI they served us drinks, full lunch,newspapers, coffee etc. Thank you again and Buen Camino

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Offer good till November 1st.