Basque language or Euskera

Join us with our very own FrescoLingo Basque language class!

Basque language or Euskera is believed to be the oldest spoken language in Europe, with its birth perhaps dating back to the Bronze Age.

Join us with our very own FrescoLingo Basque language class!

Kaixo – Hello

Hello Camino, yellow arrows, pilgrims and Basque Country!

Camino de Santiago in the Basque Country

Ongi etorri – Welcome

It’s easy to feel welcome when traveling in the Basque Country as this is a land of proud people, with a distinct language, culture, and strong sense of identity, only surpassed by a stronger sense of hospitality!

Basque people

Ondo pasa – Have a good time

But only if having a good time means beautiful scenery, fantastic wine, great food and wonderful camaraderie.

Pilgrim on the Camino in Euskadi

On egin – Enjoy your meal

Basque cuisine, pintxos and Fresco gourmet lunch salads…  will definitely have you using on egin on tour!

Basque food
Fresco Tours gourmet picnic salad

Egun on – Good morning

Vineyards, the Atlantic and freshly brewed coffee: A breakfast for champions!

Sunrise in Euskadi

Itsaso – the Sea

The Camino de Santiago weaves its way along the Basque coast offering stunning views of the Bay of Biscay. Need we say more?

The Bay of Biscay

Lagun – Friend

We guarantee you’ll make more than one friend on tour, and we’re not counting your fellow pilgrims!

Basque friends

Bide ona – Buen Camino

The Basque Country is the port of entry of the Camino de Santiago (Northern Way or Camino del Norte) into Spain. Needless to say, at Fresco Tours, our heart is in this region as we are based in Bilbao, capital of Bizkaia, one of the three provinces of the Basque Country!

Join us on our Camino Norte – Basque in the Glory Tour


Picture of Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery is a seasoned Camino tour leader who also works part-time in the Marketing and Media Content Department at Fresco Tours. Originally from the United States, Jeffery now lives in Madrid, Spain, where he earned a BA in Fine Arts. Though he considers himself a Spaniard at heart, he remains deeply proud of his American heritage. Over his 13-year tenure with Fresco Tours, he has led more than 80 tours to Santiago de Compostela. A passionate Camino enthusiast, Jeffery has walked the French, Portuguese, Primitive, English, Gran Canaria, Madrid, Salvador, and Uclés routes. He is also the author of three Camino de Santiago guidebooks, available at