Getting ready for your Camino #5

Your upcoming Camino is on the horizon and it’s time to start preparing and getting ready for your Camino.

Your feet

We’ve already addressed your footwear in a previous post (see the link below) and now its time to talk about your feet. There are two basic rules before hiking:

  1. Clip your toenails short. This will help avoid injuring your toes and even losing nails. No one likes losing nails, they take a long time to grow back!
  2. Do not get a pedicure before your Camino, even if you intend to sport hiking sandals. Chances are, other pilgrims will not be looking at your toes and you want to ensure that your feet are as toughened as possible.

You also may want to consider going the extra mile and investing in cushioned and breathable socks. And yes, merino wool socks are a great option.

Fresco tip: Smearing your feet and between your toes with Vaseline (or similar) before starting each stage can help avoid blisters and hotspots.

Getting ready for your Camino #5

If you’d like to see our previous Getting ready for Camino tips that cover a range of topics, click on the links below:

#1 Training for your Hike

#2 Some Simple Fitness Exercises

#3 Footwear

#4 Trekking Poles


Picture of Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery is a seasoned Camino tour leader who also works part-time in the Marketing and Media Content Department at Fresco Tours. Originally from the United States, Jeffery now lives in Madrid, Spain, where he earned a BA in Fine Arts. Though he considers himself a Spaniard at heart, he remains deeply proud of his American heritage. Over his 13-year tenure with Fresco Tours, he has led more than 80 tours to Santiago de Compostela. A passionate Camino enthusiast, Jeffery has walked the French, Portuguese, Primitive, English, Gran Canaria, Madrid, Salvador, and Uclés routes. He is also the author of three Camino de Santiago guidebooks, available at