Poetry from Galicia

Verses to inspire your Camino de Santiago

May 17th is the Day of Galician Literature and Galician language (Galego). Galician is as old as Castilian Spanish (what we call ‘Spanish’), and it has produced some of the finest literature in Spain. Indeed, it even boasts a Nobel Prize winner: Camilo José Cela. If you have walked the Camino Portugués, you may recall his monument as you walk through Padrón.

Here is a link to a selection of Galician poetry and poets to prepare you, and perhaps later accompany you, on your upcoming Camino de Santiago.


Poetry from Galicia


Picture of Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery Barrera

Jeffery is a seasoned Camino tour leader who also works part-time in the Marketing and Media Content Department at Fresco Tours. Originally from the United States, Jeffery now lives in Madrid, Spain, where he earned a BA in Fine Arts. Though he considers himself a Spaniard at heart, he remains deeply proud of his American heritage. Over his 13-year tenure with Fresco Tours, he has led more than 80 tours to Santiago de Compostela. A passionate Camino enthusiast, Jeffery has walked the French, Portuguese, Primitive, English, Gran Canaria, Madrid, Salvador, and Uclés routes. He is also the author of three Camino de Santiago guidebooks, available at BarreraBooks.com.