Based in Spain since 2006

Portraits of Saint James in the Prado Museum

Are you ready to go Santiago sighting on your next trip to Madrid? The Apostle Santiago el Mayor (Saint James the Greater) has always been a favorite for Spanish painters. The fact that he is the patron saint of Spain, is responsible for the Camino de Santiago and saved Christian Spain at least once probably has something do with this.

So, perhaps next time you are in Madrid, you may feel inclined to pay homage to the saint and find his portraits in the Prado Museum.

Portraits of Saint James that can be found in the Prado Museum collection.

1. Santiago el Mayor by an anonymous artist. Circa 1500. In full gear, he’s got the hat, the staff, the butternut squash flask, the shell and he is holding what appears to be a jet stone rosary.
2. Santiago Peregrino by Juan de Flandes. 1507. He’s wearing a warmer hat, but still is easily identified by his staff and shell. The artist Juan de Flandes was a royal court painter of Isabel la Catolica.

Juan de Flandes

3. Santiago by El Greco. 1608. This mystical Santiago does not present any of his usual attributes.
4. Santiago el Mayor by Ribera. 1630. Ribera’s pensive Santiago is easily identified by the shell and the staff.
5. El Apostol Santiago by Murillo. 1655. Murillo’s Santiago also has a red cloak along with the usual attributes to identify him.
6. Santiago el Mayor by Rubens. 1610. Although he doesn’t have a shell, we know it’s Santiago because of the staff.

Four Portraits of Saint James in the Prado Museum

There may be more portraits of Saint James that we have not found. If you find one, please let us know!

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