Based in Spain since 2006

A Marvelous Once-In-A-Lifetime Experience

Hi Alissa, Overall it was a marvelous once-in-a-lifetime experience that will remain happily ingrained in what’s left of my memory. We formed a cheerful coterie. Although we each walked alone for part of the walks, we shared many walks and meals and became more and more comfortable as the days of conversation and laughter progressed. I felt a real pang when we parted! Although Fresco Tours could not have known how our personalities would mesh, I’m willing to give credit. I appreciate the prompt attention given to any inquiry along the way by your staff. A special thanks to Alex, who answered the question of the address of my hotel when another pilgrim called Fresco after I had managed to lose this information! And kudos to Carol, who cheerfully answered an infinite number of questions, straightened out any minor snafus, and arranged the best meal of our trip.

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