Based in Spain since 2006

Keep Up the Wonderful Service

Hi Alissa/Alex, Fantastico!! Back in the real world now but still living the ‘camino’!
For me, it was a truly wonderful experience and one that I hope to repeat. It is hard to put into words what walking the Camino does to you/for you, but whilst trying not to sound trite, becoming one with yourself is definitely a part of it (and physically, my blood pressure on return is the lowest it has been for years so something definitely happened!)
In terms of Fresco Tours – brilliant! You could not have been more helpful, the initial orientation meeting and then setting us off on our way were perfect, and all the accommodation was great – that little bit special. Thank you. I would recommend you without hesitation and if there is anything you think I could do to promote Fresco Tours over here in the UK then just let me know! Keep up the wonderful service and I’ll forward to booking again in the hopefully not too distant future. Muchas Gracias.

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