Based in Spain since 2006

So Much to Experience and Taste, but So Little Time

Hi Alex — The group has had lots of discussions about the Camino afterwards, always such vivid memories of the daily pulsing pain in our toes, but always finished off with good memories (spiritual and otherwise), and capped with exclamations about the lamb, rabo, pulpo, sopa gallega, baby trucha, the sweetest tomatoes and veggies from Marisol’s gardens and Elena’s neighbor’s gardens, albarino and tinto and urojo, etc etc. So much to experience and taste, but so little time, a cliche that rings so true! I must tell you that the pilgrim’s blessing at the San Isidoro Church in Leon was very moving — I don’t know why I cried exactly, but I think it’s because at that point I have made the vow at the altar of God that I will complete the Camino, that there’s no going back, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to deliver that commitment. Ha ha, thanks to our indefatigable shepherd Jeffrey, and the impressive spirit of my camino-mates to complete the walk, I was able to do every inch of it. Since I denied myself drinking wine while on the Camino, the cava on that last dinner was extra-celebratory for me. Thanks for making it possible for us to give that special embrace to Santo Santiago at the Cathedral — for a few moments, EVERYTHNG was right in this world.

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