Based in Spain since 2006

Something No Other Vacation Has Ever Given Me

Hola Alex, I got absolutely nothing done! I have but one sketch completed in Leon. And here was I looking at some of the most beautiful landscape in all of Spain, set off daily with dramatic lighting and fantastic views, and what was I doing? Walking! That’s right putting one foot in front of the other, plodding along. And I call myself a landscape painter.

I told you before I am not a walker. I have never walked more than 5km at one time in my entire life. I came to support my wife, who is a walker, and do some painting. But the world will have to wait because what I took away from Galicia was more satisfying to me then a bunch of wet canvases. I returned home with memories of the great companions in our group, (many of whom were ‘real walkers’) who were supportive and encouraging all along the way. The subtle and friendly coaching of you and Jason, our guides and the daily warm handshake of our driver, Jose-Antonio all helped me to focus on the task.

Most of all I now have a great sense of accomplishment. Having completed the Camino and proving to myself I CAN do it is something no other “vacation” has ever given me. You and your tour group do more than just provide a tour; you give people an opportunity to change their perspective on themselves, and yes accomplish Miracles! Muchas Gracias. Buen Camino! Dave

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