Based in Spain since 2006

Your Patience and Perseverance with Your Flock is Greatly Appreciated

Dear Carol & Reberto, Hola. This is just a short note to say “muchas gracias” for your shepherding of our recent Camino. Your patience and perserverence with your “flock” is greatly appreciated. Sometimes we did not listen as well as we should have. Sometimes some of us climbed a hill too far, too soon. Sometimes some of us went straight forward on the trail, when we should have gone right. Or left. Sometimes some of us took the bike path when we should have been on the walking trail. Or, maybe we just plain missed a well placed sign that you had told us about, saying “go this way.” But, one or the other of you was always nearby to round us up and point to the proper track before we went to far amiss. You walked and talked with us. You often brought up the rear. You sometimes walked ahead. Or drove ahead to purchase supplies and prepare our lunches. No matter where you were on the trail, with us, behind us, or somewhere ahead, at least one of you was always nearby — to aid, to encourage, sometimes just to walk and talk, sometimes to provide insight and information into things we saw and experienced during our walking. You were there. On another point….the photos you provided of our Camino is awesome. It is a very complete record of many of the things we saw and did — many shots of the folks we walked and talked with, and many, many additional sights, scenes, structures, and artifacts I did not think to photograph. Again….”muchas gracias.” Arnold

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