Padrón to Santiago de Compostela

Caldas de Reis to Padrón

Day 14

Accommodations: Santiago de Compostela (B)

Distance: 23 km / 14 mi

Today is a big day – time to make your way from Padrón to Santiago de Compostela! After breakfast, you depart Padrón and pass through the town of Rua de Francos, where you begin your ascent to the town of O Milladoiro, now a suburb of Santiago. 

Soon after leaving O Milladoiro, you’ll have a chance to catch a glimpse of the city and the Cathedral towers. This moment happens about halfway between O Milladoiro and Santiago de Compostela’s city limits and offers a spectacular view and photo opportunity before you complete the rest of your journey. 

The last 3.5 kilometers from Padrón to Santiago de Compostela (just over 2 miles) to the Cathedral take you through the city, which can be a bit of a shock after days of rambling through the peaceful countryside. You can no longer rely on the omnipresent yellow arrow painted on rocks and trees to guide you. However, the second half of the walk in the city goes through the older quarters and historic district, which have not changed much in over 150 years. 

After two weeks of traveling, you have finally arrived at your destination: the Cathedral. Be sure to visit the Pilgrims’ Office if you wish to receive your Compostela Certificate. Your Fresco Tours maps will provide advice on where to eat, shop, and visit while you explore the city before your guided tour of the Cathedral tomorrow.

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

Santiago, Portugués Coastal