Based in Spain since 2006

Thank You for Bringing Us All Together

Hello Alex and Lola: Hope this message finds you both well. I wanted to thank you for the wonderful, wonderful experience I had walking the Camino de Santiago. It is an adventure that Karen and I will always remember! The tour was so well organized and conducted. Alex, you thought of everything to make the trip enjoyable and meaningful for all of us. Thank you also to Richard and Jason for their guiding expertise. I also appreciated the efforts you made to ensure we were all looked after and accommodated. Your ability to connect in such a positive and genuine way with the group made the trip especially enjoyable! I am happy I had the opportunity to meet so many great people, thank you for bringing us all together. This trip was an unforgettable one for me. I hope that you can come to western Canada some day. We would love to show you the Rocky Mountains. Take care, Laurie

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